SEND Support Services Tenders
Our team are often involved in assisting clients to submit SEND and SENDIAS tenders and bids. A specialist area involving providing support to young people with disabilities and their families with support, SEND bids and tenders require a response that provides a fusion of compassion and capability.
You need to demonstrate your experience and capabilities in dealing with children who have difficulties with communication, cognition and learning, sensory simulation and social interaction. There are a broad range of SEND tenders that come up and most of the time, they are tailored to a specific age group or purpose. Therefore, it’s important to put forward a tailored response that demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the proposed scope. Examples of contracts include early years tenders, alternative educational provision for SEND tenders, residential short breaks for SEND tenders, Educational day placements, residential care and education.
On occasion, SEND tenders are incorporated and / or amalgamated into larger framework agreements. They become a small component of these larger framework agreements. These include Youth Services tenders, Educational Psychologist services tenders and specialist post-16 education and training tenders.
How to write a Winning SEND tenders?
Most of the time, the NHS or local authority will use the MEAT (Most Economically Advantageous Tender) framework to procure the services and review the bids. This means that in addition to having all the correct accreditations, and market level pricing, in order to win the tender or bid you will need to:
Write a tailored method statement that is well thought out
Address and respond to all the questions directly and provide evidence of what you are assertin
Ensure you present a service that is accessible to the local residents. Put a strong focus on locality and provide a clear explanation on how you will service the contract geographically
Demonstrate that you are a stable organization which can be trusted to deliver on the contract over the long term
Provide detailed CVs for your proposed personnel and clearly articulate how their experience relates to the requirements and opportunity.
Our team of expert bid and tender writing consultants are here to help you win your next SEND tender. With experience helping organisations win contracts across the UK, our tender writing service may assist may be just what you need to plug the gap and secure your next response. Call or email us today to see if we are a good fit.