Foster Care Tenders
The commissioning of foster care tenders to care for and house (Looked After Children) is generally undertaken by local authorities. Generally speaking, they have a ‘non-residential’ classification.
More often than not, authorities establish frameworks (sometimes under the consortia commissioning model), and procure the foster care services in groups based on a regional framework. This presents itself as a great opportunity to providers who are looking to expand their services. By being appointed to a regional database or panel, you can gain access to other participating authorities.
Our experience assisting clients in Foster Care Tenders, External Placements for Looked After Children (LAC) tenders and Children in Care tenders.
To write a successful foster care tender you need to submit a quality response that addresses the criteria concisely, with sufficient detail. Writing a detailed method statement that comprehensively addressed the criteria is a key success factor. This is often reflected in the weighting criteria with a large percentage allocated to the method statements.
Our bid writers are experienced in writing method statements for LAC tenders to ensure your experience, credibility and value proposition are clearly communicated. We will work with you to establish key win themes for your bids. For example, placement stability and safeguarding are two win themes that are often incorporated into method statements. You need to talk about how you will implement best practice methodologies for safeguarding and how your procedures exceed the minimum requirements and are industry leading.
Our bid and tender writers experience extends from writing method statements to include the development of relevant policies such as child sexual exploitation policies. These are often required in the form of supporting documentation for tenders and bids.
With most foster care tenders – compliance is key to being selected and general considered a pre-requisite to being appointed. As part of the procurement process, the evaluators will review your policies and procedures to ensure compliance and will generally check registrations with bodies such as Ofsted.
If you need help with a Foster Care tender call our team of writers about getting assistance. We have experience helping organisations across the UK including in London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester and Sheffield.