Residential Care Tenders
Our team has helped many residential care providers write and win residential care tenders over the years. We’re passionate about this sector and the work that residential care homes do in providing round the clock supports to people. Our experience includes writing bids for both care homes and nursing homes. Over recent years, we have also been involved in helping write bids for specialist homes such as dementia care homes and palliative care homes among others.
Writing to win
When we write tenders and bids we write to win. The first step in the process is understanding your buyer. Generally speaking, local authorities and NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups are responsible for the procurement process. It’s important to understand their procurement processes and to write a response that complies with their requirements.
Whether submitting a residential care tender, convalescent care tender, intermediate care beds, reablement beds or other bid, if you want to be successful you generally need to:
Confirm and prove you are registered with the relevant regulatory bodies and comply with the tender requirements
Establish win themes and interweave these throughout your response
Detail your experience and provide evidence to justify your claims
Comprehensively and concisely respond to each question. Ensure you provide adequate information on areas such as quality assurance. business continuity and your commitment to continuous improvement
Put forward a submission that demonstrates you have thought through the requirements and are the right organizational fit for the contract.
Need help with your next residential care tender?
We would love to assist. Our team has experience writing bids that are compelling, compliant and successful. Our service extends across the UK and we have helped organisations in areas such as London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Liverpool, Bristol, Manchester and Sheffield.