Advocacy Tenders
Advocacy tenders are tenders to provide services including delivering advice, providing information and support and conducting signposting to other stakeholders. These services help drive the empowerment of individual and help ensure that they are provided with what they are entitled and all of their rights are fully respected. Our team of tender and bid writers are experienced in writing and winning a broad range of advocacy tenders.
Healthwatch, a government support service comprising of a network of local groups is an important part of the advocacy functionality. The groups provide support, representation and quality advice to community members. The commissioning of advocacy tenders are usually funded by local authorities, many of which are delivered and managed by Healthwatch groups.
Types of advocacy tenders
Advocacy tenders come in different shapes and sizes and often incorporate additional services such as Short Break, Outreach and Peer Support. Tenders and contracts are often released for advocacy projects targeting specific demographics and groups within the community. These may include children, the youth, the elderly and those with special needs. Sometimes buyers are looking to consolidate a broad range of services into one tender or contract. When responding to these types of contract, our writers will help guide you on how to win by addressing the needs of the buyer and providing a comprehensive solution.
Writing a Winning Advocacy Social Care Tender
More often than not, the government procure services, including advocacy services, based on the quality and price (under the most economically advantageous tender model) or quality alone. It is important to maintain a core focus in your response, on how service users will be supported and communicated with.
Where you have a track record successfully providing advocacy services and advocating for service users, it needs to be highlighted. This is often best completed in the form of a case study. It is important to include sufficient detail on the services you provided including:
The duration of the project
The number of service users you supported
If you achieved or met and key performance indicators
The method you used in delivering the services
How you worked cooperatively with key stakeholders
It is equally important to ensure you provide a local service. When completing advocacy bids and tenders, geographic location is critical. If you are not based locally, you need to put forward a credible plan on how you will service the area, and also, how you will ensure you deliver a localised service with exemplary quality.
Contact the Tsaks Consulting team for assistance with your next advocacy tender or bid