Bid, Tender and Proposal Writing Service in York
Bid, Tender and Proposal Writing Service in York
At Tsaks Consulting, our team of experienced bid writers provide bid writing services in York to local businesses and organisation. We help local organisations in York and the wider Yorkshire region that require bid and tender writing assistance write bids and tenders, review their bids and tenders and develop bid libraries.
Helping all businesses in York and Yorkshire write winning bids
We help businesses large and small including SMEs and major corporations to bid for public and private sector contracts. This includes government panels, contracts and frameworks. Our skillset is transferable and we bring multi-sector experience to our bid and framework writing. For example, our team has helped with:
- Bid writing for IT projects in York including to the NHS.
- Bid writing and framework applications for construction and building projects in York. These include new builds, renovations, infrastructure projects (such as road and highways) and maintenance. We’ve also helped tradespeople such as electricians, plumbers and fire technicians write winning bids.
- Bid writing for healthcare projects in York and for the supply of healthcare products and equipment. This includes writing bids to the relevant NHS Trusts in Yorkshire including the Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, York and Scarborough Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust, Hull University Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, Humber Teaching NHS Foundation Trust, Northern Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Foundation Trust, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford District Care NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
- Bid writing for education, university and charity and community projects in York and across Yorkshire. We have experience in writing bids to the University of York and the York St John University.
- Bid writing for a broad range of consultants and consultancy services in York and the wider Yorkshire. These include IT, Engineering and professional services consultants such as trainers, lawyers, accountants and engineers.
- Bid writing for equipment supply including office supplies, stationery and highly specialised equipment.
- Tender and framework writing from tourism and associated industries (such as event management, event marketing and hospitality). York and Yorkshire has a strong local tourism industry and our team has the experience and local knowledge to assist with these bids.
- Framework bids and applications through YORhub.
We have an understanding of the localised challenges and issues that are typically faced by businesses and the community in York and ensure we bring this insight into our writing.
Our Bid Writers Experience writing to Government (Public Sector)
We are skilled in navigating the contract and mandatory requirements of the major public sector procurement organisations in York such as the:
- City of York Council: To win contracts with Council you have to show a commitment to the local economy and provide a robust social value response. You also need to score well in experience and methodology and showcase your experience, expertise and credibility – especially in delivering contracts to the public sector. Our team has worked on bids to the City of York Council for businesses from different industries such as cleaning, catering, security and asset maintenance and management.
- North Yorkshire Council: We have written bids and tenders to North Yorkshire Council for a variety of services. A commitment to the entire region and evidenced delivery of social value is critical to win these bids. Our experience is that the challenges facing North Yorkshire Council differ from the City of York, and it’s important to demonstrate insight into these challenges if you want to be successful. We also assist with writing bids and tenders to other local Councils such as Harrogate Borough Council and Scarborough Borough Council.
- Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation (YPO): Information on our extensive experience writing framework applications to YPO can be found here.
- Other Councils and CCS: We have written bids to other Council in the York area including North Yorkshire County Council and East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
How we will help
Are you a business based in York that is looking for assistance with a bid, tender or proposal? We can help. Here at Tsaks Consulting, we have helped businesses in York win government and private contracts.
Our team will:
Write & Develop
a cover letter and executive summary
a bid/no bid assessment
What sets you apart and ensure we communicate that to the reader
and include testimonials from your previous clients
Develop detailed case studies
to showcase your experience and expertise
Review and respond comprehensively to each question
and respond comprehensively to each question
Develop a professional template
and incorporate infographics where appropriate
and submit the response
Tips and strategies to win contracts in York
Through our experience helping clients in York win government and private sector contracts, we have strong insights into what works and what doesn’t. One key aspect of any bid or tender is delivering quality social value initiatives in York. This is particularly critical in government tenders. Examples of possible initiatives include:
- Buying from local businesses: A robust local procurement plan is critical to helping you win. You need to develop a robust local procurement plan and identify businesses in York and the wider Yorkshire area that you can purchase from. Include then in your bid.
- Create local jobs in York: As part of your bid or tender, you should incorporate an employment plan that ensures you focus on hiring local in York (or Yorkshire). Hiring and training local residents as part of the contract should be prioritised where possible.
- Skills transfer and development: Depending on the type of contract you are looking to secure, there may be specialised skills involved. In order to transfer your specialist skillset and boost the skills of the local community, you can consider providing training programs and skills development programs as part of your bid.
- Community engagement: Supporting local charities, sponsoring community events, or volunteering are all great ways to improve community engagement as part of your bid. You can also contact and look to work with York specific disadvantaged groups as part of your bid and support projects that address social issues.
We’ve helped business and organisations write proposals for government contracts at all levels including to the City of York Council as well as the federal government. We can also assist you with private sector tenders and are able to provide examples for tenders as well as strategies to help you write wining proposals.
Our Director, Jason Cooney, is hands on in all the tenders we assist with, and our team brings a wealth of proposal writing experience.