NHS (Framework Agreements)
About NHS Frameworks
Our team of bid and tender writers are experienced in helping our clients apply for NHS frameworks. NHS frameworks are outstanding opportunities for organisations across the UK to gain access to the lucrative NHS market.
An NHS Framework Agreement is essentially another type of tendering contract which are issued by the NHS. Frameworks cover a broad range of goods and services depending on the frameworks and are generally long-term agreements (2 – 8 years) which is fantastic for our clients looking for income and revenue certainty.
When an NHS Framework request is released, the potential suppliers will see the notice and commence the bidding process. We help clients monitor tender opportunities and write and develop bids and tenders for submission. The buyer, or NHS Framework provider, will review the bids and create a list of approved suppliers.
A series of mini-bids are generally held for each opportunity – however – as you / our clients have been through the entire process already, they are relatively short, focused, and don’t require you to input extensive information.
The benefits to the NHS of using frameworks to procure
By using Frameworks such as the NHS SBS, the NHS is able to create a list of suppliers with whom to purchase certain services from. Having multiple suppliers helps them get the exact services they need in the right geographic location.
It also provides the NHS with better terms and pricing for all of their individual trusts and streamlines the procurement process.
The capabilities and experience you need to win an NHS Framework
In order to be successfully awarded to an NHS Framework such as the Shared Business Services Frameworks, you need to have experience and expertise in the specific provision they have stipulated. For example, you need to have experience providing the services they have stipulated to another client (it may be a government or private sect0or client), or even (and this brings great strength to your bid or tender) experience delivering the same services to the NHS. You can also include experience delivering services similar to the provision.
In NHS Framework procurement, there is a strong focus and significant weighting put on your experience and therefore it is critical that you showcase your experience and ensure you highlight it’s relevance to the services and product being procured.
How being a supplier on an NHS Framework can help your business and how you can become a supplier
Being appointed to an NHS Framework can help small, medium and large business by:
- Providing an efficient mechanism for securing work. Because multiple suppliers can be appointed, you will have a better chance of being appointed and a quicker way to bid for specific contracts. The work is government / NHS work which means you have a strong certainty in terms of payment and being awarded to a framework can help boost the value of your business.
- The revenue is generally long term. If you are appointed to a framework for say four years, you can employ personnel and conduct businesses planning with more certainty.
- You will be able to bid for business that is within your geographic region or suitable for your business. You don’t need to compete for every contract and can adjust what you bid for depending on your capacity.
- Networking opportunities and building the profile of your businesses within the NHS through bids and tenders.
- Once you have completed a framework tender, which is generally a large and complex task, you can then quickly and efficiently bid for smaller opportunities when mini contracts arise.
Who releases NHS Frameworks that you can bid for
NHS Framework agreements, such as NHS SBS Framework are generally released by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). They are mostly locally based and for a strong, local geographic focus. The CCGs consistently review the needs and requirements of their local areas and adjust their procurement leads accordingly.
How small or medium businesses can win NHS contracts?
NHS is the primary healthcare provided in the United Kingdom. As a large organisations, some of our small and medium sized clients sometimes think they have no chance of winning or that it is pointless to try. Our team of writers have helped lots of small and medium businesses with NHS Framework applications.
What’s in your favour, is that the NHS Commissioners look for different businesses with different service offerings. They are publicly funded, and therefore, they have rules in place which ensure that they support and utilise the services of small and medium businesses.
How spot provider NHS Frameworks can help my business grow
Bidding for spot supplier frameworks are a great avenue to drive business growth – particularly if you do not have many existing contracts (or NHS / government experience) under your belt as a business. Spot frameworks are great for secure income and a pipeline of work. You usually have to provide three detailed case studies which outline your experience. When you detail your case studies, you have to showcase how you have performed work with a similar complexity and scope.
What will I find in NHS Tenders and Frameworks
NHS Frameworks are highly detailed – and our expert writing consultants know how to review the specifications and ensure you develop a compliant response. The specifications document is generally highly specific and detailed. It outlines the product and service delivery requirements, and often details the problem they are trying to solve or address.
There are also specific NHS Policies and other regulations which need to be adhered to, and they are usually included in the specifications. The proposal you write and experience and capability you put forward need to generally address the requirements in the specifications and showcase your experience servicing clients with similar needs.
Pricing Schedule / Page
The NHS works off the MEAT principal (Most Economically Advantageous Tenders). Therefore, pricing is critical and plays an important part of the bidding and tendering process for NHS SBS Frameworks. We generally recommend our clients to price competitively – but not underprice. I.e. there is no point in winning a framework because you priced it low and not running a at profit or not being able to deliver the services effectively.
Take the time to price your tender competitively and put forward a compelling bid.
Responding to NHS Framework Questions about Safeguarding
In order to win an NHS Framework Contract you will more than likely be asked about Safeguarding and you will need to submit a safeguarding policy. This is because Safeguarding is a major concern for the NHS – which makes sense – as when providing a service you will be working with/alongside vulnerable and often underage people and patients.
Develop a comprehensive SafeGuarding policy and attach it to your bid as required. The CCS or other respective NHS organisation will also want to know that you provide the appropriate training, which is constantly updated, to all your personnel. The training needs to be in line with NHS regulations and requirements. Aligns with the specification and NHS standards/guidelines
Having the right accreditations and qualification to help you win NHS SBS Frameworks and Contracts
Most of the time, to win a healthcare contract, you will need to have a number of accreditations – at a minimum. This is generally a dealbreaker and an unofficial mandatory requirement (if not an official one). Some of the standards that are required include:
- ISO 9001
- ISO 27001
- NQVs (level dependent on the bid)
- CQC (Care Quality Commission) Registration
Our bid writers will ensure you have the right accreditation and meet the mandatory requirements.
Our Top 5 ways to win an NHS Framework Contract or tender
Our five best strategies for you to win NHS Framework Contracts include:
- Write in simple English and with a positive tone. Be persuasive and write clearly and concisely. Avoid technical jargon where possible.
- Put forward questions for clarification. This will ensure you put forward an effective and compelling bid. If you are unsure – ask.
- Put forward a value for money solution. That is, articulate a quality solution for patient care, accessibility, innovation and technical capability. Ensure you comply with sustainability, quality assurance and other requirements.
- Adhere to the supplier code of conduct and attach the correct policies such as Adherence to child labour laws, Fair labour policy, Equal opportunities and discrimination policy, Health & safety policy and Environmental policy.
- Put the required effort into your bid. Write comprehensive responses – quantify your response.
Our team capabilities
Our team of tender and bid writers are provide tender and bid writing support to businesses across the UK when bidding to NHS Frameworks including the NHS SBS framework. We know how to win NHS SBS contracts and are able to assist with pricing strategy any writing.
We work closely with our clients in London, Nottingham, Manchester, Birmingham, Glasgow and Liverpool to provide tender coaching for NHS SBS frameworks and bid writing assistance. We are also able to assist from a compliance perspective to ensure the bid you submit is compliant and compelling.
The NHS SBS (Shared Business Services) Frameworks
NHS SBS are the market leader in purchasing corporate services for the NHS and being appointed to an NHS Framework is a lucrative opportunity for any business across the UK. There are various NHS SBS Frameworks, that cover service areas including:
- Construction and Estates Framework Agreements
- Digital and IT Framework Agreements
Our team of bid writing consultants at Tsaks Consulting has helped many businesses over the years write successful submissions to NHS Shared Business Services Frameworks and many different lots that cover a broad range of services. We use concise, simple and effective language and work within the strict wordcounts that are typically stipulated in NHS SBS tenders. We will work closely with your team to gather essential information, prepare evidence to quantify your key points of difference, and deal with subject matter experts to extract critical information. Our team will then write a comprehensive application to the relevant framework to put you into a solid position to win.
NHS Shared Business Services – Construction and Estates Framework Agreements
These frameworks are great for construction contractors and other industry service providers who are looking to secure local, regional and national work. We have helped small SME clients as well as Tier-1 contractors be appointed to these frameworks and secure work and projects. As with most frameworks, a quality response to social value, sustainability and your overall capabilities are critical to being appointed.
NHS Shared Business Services – Design, Furniture and Appliances
Our team of bid writers are experienced in helping furniture designers, suppliers and appliance suppliers to secure appointment to this key framework. We have also helped rental and hiring companies, equipment repair businesses, and other businesses to be appointed. This also helps hospitals and other medical organisations in the NHS reach the net zero 2040 target.
There are a number of lots in this framework agreement such as:
- Lot 1.1 – Workplace consultancy and space planning
- Lot 1.2 – Interior fit out – office, retail and front of house
- Lot 1.3 – Acoustic interior design solutions
- Lot 2.1 – Office and residential furniture
- Lot 2.2 – Bariatric furniture
- Lot 2.3 – Challenging environment furniture
- Lot 2.4 – Bedside equipment
- Lot 2.5 – Storage solutions and lockers
- Lot 2.6 – Early years, educational furniture
- Lot 3.1 – Ward equipment
- Lot 3.2 – Non-medical theatre equipment
- Lot 4 – Blinds, curtains & associated products
Our team of bid and tender writers are skilled in writing submissions to the NHS SBS Framework for Design Furniture and Appliances. We have worked closely with our clients to understand their specific product ranges and benefits, their design capabilities, and the specification of their appliances, and put these capabilities and products forward in submissions.
Our writers also take the time to understand the geographic presence of their businesses so that we can write compelling responses for specific lots and clearly demonstrate the social value our clients bring to local areas.
NHS Shared Business Services – Hard Facilities Management
This framework agreement is a fantastic opportunity for building maintenance services, carpenters, electricians, HVAC, building works and fire services companies and other facilities management and building maintenance service providers. We enjoy the challenge (it is a highly competitive NHS SBS Framework) of writing submissions and applications for our clients and helping them become appointed to this framework.
The Hard Facilities Management framework is a great opportunity for clients of all shapes and sizes including SMEs, small businesses, large national providers and businesses of other shapes and sizes. You don’t need to be a large national business to win. We have helped small businesses who are online bidding for a single service secure placement on the framework for a specific lot. We’ve also helped large national facilities management and maintenance companies to bid for this framework and provide a fully managed service across multiple locations (London, Manchester and other cities).
NHS Shared Business Services – Modular Buildings Framework Agreement
The Modular Buildings Framework agreement was bought into place to take advantage of the benefits Modular Buildings could bring to the NHS and it’s need for facilities an infrastructure. It also provides support to the Government’s focus on whole of life cost benefits of projects.
Our writers have helped clients write winning applications and bids to be awarded a place on the Modular Buildings Framework Agreement.
We work closely with clients to ensure their proposals focus on:
– Speed of delivery.
– Time and cost savings.
– Social Value and Sustainability
– The benefits of their Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).
All NHS SBS approved organisations procure through this agreement such as many of the NHS Trusts and the wider public sector. Our writing consultants have helped client bid for a number of different lots such as Lot 1: Bespoke modular buildings for purchase and Lot 2: Bespoke modular buildings for hire.
FM and Asset Compliance Framework
This Framework presents a great opportunity for businesses across the UK, small and large, to secure contracts and work on NHS facilities. It is regionalised across all 32 lots. Many different types of businesses such as SMEs, sole traders, specialist and niche service providers and large national service providers have been appointed to the framework and have secured work.
The Framework covers a broad range of services which we can help clients pitch for including:
- Security services
- PAT Testing
- Asbestos Removal
- Fire maintenance and alarms
- Cleaning services
- Garden maintenance
- Facilities and asset management
- Demolition
- Cleaning
- Catering
Our team of writers is ready to help all businesses across the UK bid to be awarded on to this Framework.
NHS SBS Sustainable Healthcare Recycling and Waste Management Framework
This framework is popular for companies who assist the Government’s sustainable healthcare initiatives. The framework has (and will continue to have) a significant environmental impact. Our team of bid and tender writers has helped businesses across the UK gain placement onto the framework.
They types of businesses (both small and large) we have supported include:
- Recycling and waste consultancies looking to provide consulting services to the NHS (including NHS trusts).
- Clinical healthcare waste providers.
- Recycling companies
- Sanitary, washrooms and reusable sharps providers
- Waste minimisation and waste management technology providers.
- Other hygiene services for holiday trusts.
Digital, IT and SAAS companies across the UK have taken advantage of the NHS expenditure on Digital and IT services by bidding for this framework. This includes businesses who provide advisory services, Cyber Security Services, Technology Enabled Healthcare and Clinical Tech. It also gives businesses access to projects being conducted with NHS Digital, NHS England, the Academic Health Science Networks and other Public entities.
When we help clients write their bids to these frameworks, we ensure we focus on how they will:
- Develop technology solutions that patients face on a daily basis.
- Leverage data and technology to improve care outcomes for patients.
- Help to speed up the digitisation of the NHS and the healthcare system across the UK overall.
- Leverage their technical skillsets and expertise to help free up clinical personnel to focus on patient care.
SBS NHS Framework – Cloud Solutions 2
We help Cloud services and sector providers, including design consultants, IaaS, PaaS and SaaS providers, and cloud support and end to end cloud providers to write bids and tenders for this lucrative framework.
Our Director, Jason Cooney, has a strong understanding of the cloud based terminology and our skilled writers are experienced in conveying the benefits of Cloud Based solutions to the NHS and how they apply in a healthcare setting.
SBS NHS – Digital Health Advisory Framework
Given the extensive transformation the NHS is undergoing, the Digital Health advisory is another framework that has led to large amounts of works for businesses across the UK. Our writers have worked with companies that provide DDAT services, digital consulting services, clinical and digital health delivery and augmentation, and digital skills training services. Our team of bid writing consultants are ready to help you make your submission to the this or other frameworks.
NHS SBS – Digital Workplace Solutions Framework
This framework is mainly for IT companies providing end to end IT solutions. Our writers help a range of clients from the IT industry, including data centre infrastructure providers, servers and storage providers (many of whom have a presence in the UK and stress this points in order to have a better chance of receiving a positive outcome), suppliers and installers of networking and security products and providers of computer software and hardware. We know how to help you win appointment to the framework and to winning UK NHS and other UK Government health tenders.
The Digital Workplace Solutions 2 (SBS10510) was recently released and our team is ready assist clients write their bids.
NHS SBS – Medicines Optimisation Prescribing Decision Support Systems
The NHS put together the Medicines Optimisation Support Systems 3 Framework Agreement to provide products and services that support prescribing. This is IT related and covers a range of services. Our writers are always ready to help clients make applications for both lots including Lot 1: Medicine Optimisation System and Lot 2: Data population Health Medicine Optimisation System.
NHS SBS – Technology Enabled Care Services 2 Framework
This framework was put in place to try to help to free up the capacity of the NHS workforce. There is a strong focus on procuring services / tools that help to improve patient care through home-based technologies such as Virtual Wards.
Most of our clients come to us for writing services to help them be selected to one of the six lots available. These include Lot 1: Remote Clinical Monitoring, Lot 2: Alarm Receiving Centre Platforms, Lot 3: Digital Alarms Solutions and Peripherals, Lot 4: Intelligent Activity Monitoring, Lot 5: Patient Controlled Personalised Healthcare Records and Lot 6: One Stop Shop / Combined Solution.
NHS SBS – Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software in Neuroscience for Stroke Decision Making Support Framework
This agreement was developed so enable people to access cutting edge technologies to interpret medical imagery. This is crucial in strokes where interventions are time dependant. For suppliers and creators of software and AI programs that help to speed up the process, this is a great framework to gain access to NHS clients.
Our team of writers has helped many small, medium and large organsiations across the UK including major cities such as Manchester and London, as well as small regions, to write bids and proposals and be awarded to a range of Business Services Framework Agreements to provide services to the NHS.
NHS SBS – Interpretation and Translation Services Framework
This Framework is essentially driven by the Equality Act 2010. Translation services are critical to ensuring equality and positive health outcomes from all parts of the community. Our team of writers have helped translation companies write submissions for this framework and others, to provide translation services to the NHS and other government departments. The different lots which translation services providers can bid for include Face to Face (spoken language), British Sign Language (BSL) (F2F, Video and Document), Telephone Interpreting, Document Translation and ancillary services, Video Interpretation and the last lot which is One Stop Shop.
Our team of writers will help your translation agency write a compelling submission that talks about the efficiency and quality of the services you provide and how you can help create positive patient outcomes.
NHS SBS – Internal and External Audit, Counter Fraud, and Financial Assurance Services
This Framework is designed for suppliers who assist in creating a compliant route to access external audit services, internal audit services and other fraud prevention services. It is a good opportunity for our businesses to providing auditing and government review services to gain access to key NHS and Government clients. There are different lots, although many service providers to bid for multiple lots. The lots include External Audit Services, Internal Audit Services, Counter Fraud Services, Well-Led Governance Review and Audit and Governance Ancillary Services.
NHS SBS – Framework Agreement Description
There are a broad number of apprenticeship providers across the UK. This framework gives them an avenue for accessing NHS clients and contracts. Our bid writing consultants can help Apprenticeship Training service providers across the UK to write winning submission for this award.
NHS SBS – Consultancy and Advisory Services for Health
Consultation providers across the UK can bid for this framework. These consultancy services can extend across HR, property and sustainability and assist NHS organisations to reach outcomes.
Document Storage, Records Management and Integrated Solutions
This is a framework for business who provide digitisation and scanning services as well as archive services. Our clients who bid for this framework also provide electronic data management solutions to clients.
NHS SBS – Digital Innovation Services
Our team here at Tsaks Consulting UK has strong experience assisting clients to be awarded this framework. We work closely with clients to illustrate and the benefits of their digital capabilities and services to the NHS and to ensure they provide ‘proof of value’ in their bids.
Other frameworks we are able to help businesses across the UK apply to include:
· Integrated Care Systems
· Finance & Accounting
· Procurement Services
· Employment Services